Basic Information on Hearing Loss for Residents in Edmonton

Our ears are one of the essential sensory organs, and hearing loss has serious implications. Hearing loss can be related to aging, noise exposure, illness or it may be inherited. Hearing loss can happen suddenly, but it usually happens gradually. Untreated hearing loss can be a factor in social isolation and cognitive decline. Fortunately, hearing loss in Edmonton can usually be improved by the use of our hearing aids. The skilled team at Alberta Hearing Service in Edmonton can provide you with the necessary assistance on combating hearing loss and using hearing aids. Call us today.
Signs of Hearing Loss
We at Alberta Hearing Service can treat your hearing issues quickly if you come to us at the earliest opportunity. Here are some important indicators of hearing loss:
Types of Hearing Loss
A variety of factors can cause hearing loss. The aging process, long-term noise exposure at work, a noisy explosion, recreational noise exposure, heredity, medications, ear infection, or an accident may all impair our hearing. Learn about the two main forms of hearing loss.
Conductive Hearing Loss
Conductive hearing loss is a form of hearing loss caused by a problem in the outer or middle ear. The following are some of the most common causes:
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Perceptive hearing loss, also known as “sensorineural hearing loss,” is caused by damage to the inner ear. The following are some of the most common causes and treatments for sensorineural hearing loss:
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hearing Protection
Our experts have answered some questions that will help you know more about hearing loss and how you can protect your hearing.
What Are the Effects of Loud Noise on Our Hearing?The ear is a fascinating and complex organ with fragile parts sensitive to the effects of loud noise. Thousands of sensory cells in the inner ear translate sound into nerve impulses so that the brain can understand the signal. When these hair cells are exposed to excessive sound levels, they may be damaged or gradually destroyed, resulting in hearing loss.
What Is the Threshold for “Too Loud”?We live in a noisy environment and are exposed to sounds at work, home, school, sports, traffic, clubs, theatres, and concerts regularly. These can all be fun activities, but when they become too noisy, they can become dangerous. The E-A-R research sound level scale depicts the normal sound levels we may encounter and when they become hazardous to our ears. Long-term exposure to 85dB is usually enough to cause hearing loss, but the length of time/duration of exposure is also important.
What Should I Do to Safeguard My Hearing?If you wish to protect your hearing, there are a variety of options available: earplugs, both custom and non-custom (the popular yellow earplugs); earmuffs, musician plugs, HiFi earplugs, and so on. They come in a variety of bright colours, making them easy to spot and less likely to be misplaced. When you're at work, coworkers will see if you're wearing gear that protects your ears. When they want to connect with you, this shows them they need to get your attention first.

Make Your Hearing Aids Last Longer
With regular maintenance and check-ups for proper functioning.